Tuesday 1 May 2012

Big Hi 'atcha my droogs of superbnocity! Been 'at it 2mucho off late. astronutter.com has been snaffled up by the Corp's but many copycUnts have made 4 nU ID. On MySpace ye may find a NYC punk outfit called Astro-Nut that are extremely irritating (so go have a listen ). & which seems de rigueur there is an Astro-Nutty recipe site ( see also Sex Pistol Sauces; Punk related-et al. Asides from the mOondane of my
prerogatives what wonders be, on setting sail from there to 'ere? Travel can broaden the mind but,. U leave an ass ye shall return as one,.. mUzaK NOW!!!, Keep'emPeeled.

Thursday 26 April 2012


SABOTAGE! New adress for this blog is- http://astronutter.blogspot.co.uk/
Dirty creeps R stealing my name & kukUdos-kAriZma; jumping on MY bandwagon. ORIGINALS-It is always thus-montaini semper liberi. Keep'emPeeled.

Sunday 18 March 2012


BlackDonalds! Folks, Get down to the next show, it'll be a Whammeroony! 2nite Bass-man Terry was a green, white & orange Groove-Pope( ya had to see it!), Far-Out! NuB Mat( guitarist )played with a ferocity that reminded me of Bruce Watson( Skids, Big Country )& Tom was a blistering belter of all things with a skin. Jammy, as usual (the Suave Sophisticate ) charmed the guys & gals with his androgenous good-looks & Frontman effortless demeanour. Due to Council Reg's the sound had to be under a certain Db limit predicated by the late time-slot. Ergo- not quite right. BlackDonalds need to ROCK! & Loudly!!! Volume is paramount at this stage of the boys career. If anyone out there from a record company that's willing to bring some Soul back to the charts, beat a trail down to this gang! BlackDonalds R The Bees-Knees! Keep'emPeeled.