Saturday, 31 July 2021
Aliens: Top 10 Weirdest Things Found In Area 51
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Flying Objects A State Secret | UFO Documentary
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Friday, 30 July 2021
Aliens: 5 Sinister Extraterrestrial Encounters Reported by Russian Military
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Aliens: Where Are They, All Those Aliens? | Episode 305 | Closer To Truth
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15 UFO Sightings that are REAL?
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Cryptid: Ancient giant Found in Krabi, Thailand
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Robots: AI robots take off, with Boston Dynamics.
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BUCKLE UP! Clearest Bigfoot Footage Ever! Crazy UFOs Broad Daylight! 2021
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UFOs/Aliens: IS THIS The First REAL Photo Of An Alien?..
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Brighton cat killer jailed for five years | UK news | The Guardian
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Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Alleged 100% Real UFO FBI Proof - Alive Aliens UFO Crash Filmed By Cops ...
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NASA Video: Unexplained Alien UFO Taking Out Space X Falcon 9 Elon Musk ...
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Aliens: What Is NASA Hiding? | Unveiled channel!
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BUCKLE-UP! Clearest UFO Flying Saucer Video Ever? Broad Daylight UFOSs 2021
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Secureteam10: THINGS ARE GETTING REAL NOW.. UFOs Are Here To Stay
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Tuesday, 27 July 2021
Anomalies: Mysterious Balls Fall from Space
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History: World's Largest Pyramid Hidden in Plain Sight
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Ancient History: Pyramids Are Not What You Think They Are: Underground Halls Beneath Them
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Anthropology: Scientists Just Revealed That Chimps & Gorillas Have Been Seen Going To ...
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UFOs:The Mysterious Connection between Owls & UFO Contact | Mike Clelland
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UFOs: Area 51
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Wealth: It Will Give You Goosebumps - Alan Watts on MONEY
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UFOs:Something Very Strange Is Happening That Can't Be Explained! 2021
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Sunday, 25 July 2021
Comedy:TV; Jerk
Movies: The Lost Boys!
Saturday, 24 July 2021
Horror: These Scary Clips Are Too Much For Your Innocent Eyeballs
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Friday, 23 July 2021
You Wanted Clear UFO footage? We Got It! Buckle-Up! 2021
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Conspiracy: What is Pegasus spyware and how does it hack phones? | Surveillance | The Guardian
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Thursday, 22 July 2021
Astronomy: What Will The James Webb Space Telescope Find?
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How to Activate Your Pineal Gland FAST - Superhuman Potential (NO GOING ...
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UFO Diaries - 1995 Documentary
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NASA Officials Just Announced The Moon Shifted & It's Going To Cause Rec...
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Military: This plane doesn't 'exist'... Aurora Top Secret Spy Plane SR-91
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History: Do We REALLY Know The TRUTH About Evolution??
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Horror: Terrifying Paranormal Videos No One Can Explain
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Conspiracy: WHY ARE WE HERE? History is NOT What We Are Told!
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Space: Is Apollo 11's Lunar Module Still In Orbit Around The Moon 52 Years Later?
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Radio: from Notting Hill In London!
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Interview: Jeremy Corbell shares Bob Lazar stories
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Massive Unknown Craft! World Wide UFO Phenomenon Can't Be Explained! 2021
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Part 1: 20th Anniversary of the Disclosure Project National Press Club p...
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They Are SCARED of UFO Footage Like This..Secureteam10
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Military: Finally: Here's American New 6th Generation Fighter Jet
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Cat Sense: The Feline Enigma Revealed by John Bradshaw – review | Science and nature books | The Guardian
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The hidden world of cats: what our feline friends are doing when we’re not looking | Cats | The Guardian
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Wednesday, 21 July 2021
BBC News: NHS workers in England offered 3% pay rise -Better Than Last Offer?
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Anthropology: The History Behind Our Sufferings - Part Nutter!
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Conspiracy: Inventor of Free Energy Generator: "THEY TRIED TO KILL ME." - Adam Trombly
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Horror/Crytid: Mysterious Videos Circulating the Internet Right Now
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UFO Roswell Documentary
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Holidays: Don’t Eat Sea Bream In The Mediterranean!
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These UFO EVENTS Across Our World Has Everyone On Edge! 2021
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Tuesday, 20 July 2021
UFOs: Blue Origin has an AVP(?) flying underneath it then it flew off fast to space!
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Philosophy: Karma.
Keep'emPeeled. Click link below please?
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Education: The Secret of Snakes and Ladders
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UFO Diaries - 1995 Documentary
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Muzak: Twenty One Pilots - "Heathens" Live (iHeartRadio Music Festival 2016) 4K
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Movies: The Doorman
Astrophysics: Planet Nine from Outer Space - Konstantin Batygin, at USI
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Muzak: twenty one pilots: Heathens (from Suicide Squad: The Album) [OFFICIAL VI...
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Tweet by Museum Archive on Twitter
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Urban Dictionary: Planetary Quarantine
Planetary Quarantine
The safeguarding of Earth and other worlds from biological cross-contamination (i.e. billionaires with too much time on their hands).
Also known as "planetary protection." Planetary protection / quarantine "reflects both the unknown nature of the space environment and the desire of the scientific community to preserve the pristine nature of celestial bodies until they can be studied in detail."
There are two types of interplanetary contamination. Forward contamination is the transfer of viable organisms from Earth to another celestial body. Back contamination is the transfer of extraterrestrial organisms, if such exist, back to the Earth's biosphere.
Billionaires are having a dick swinging space race while the earth experiences record breaking heatwaves that cause sea creatures to literally cook inside their shells. We need planetary quarantine.
I found this on UD app. Quite apt in these times. Keep'emPeeled
Saturday, 17 July 2021
WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS Magic Tricks Finally Revealed | David Blaine | Dynam...
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Friday, 16 July 2021
Magic: REVEAL THESE 2 Demon Magicians (ARM THROUGH FISHTANK) Cyril + Ahmed El-B...
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10 Little Known Conspiracy Theories that will Blow Your Mind...
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The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told but now U R learning!
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Revisiting The Gulf Breeze UFO Sightings || A YouTube Documentary
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UFOs:Hidden From Us, Until Now! They Don't Want You To Watch This! 2021
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Geography: Scottish villagers bid to buy most remote pub on mainland Britain | Scotland | The Guardian
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Wednesday, 14 July 2021
Space:NASA Reestablishes Contact with the Voyager, Almost 12 Billion Miles from Earth!
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Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind! - Rory Sutherland
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How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I.
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Aliens:Scientists Submit Actual Proof Aliens Are Watching You Right Now & Watching U!
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Astrophysics: Astronomers Just Discovered Cosmic 'Superhighways' For Traveling Through...
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UFOs:Former Ministry of Defence UFO expert: People within government believe they’re real!
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The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told but now U R learning!
UFOs: Someone Just Reported That 2 Balls Of White Were Observed Behind The Virgin Space Flight!
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Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Astronomy: James Webb Telescope May Detect Artificial Lights On Proxima b
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Military History: Helicopter with Rocket Blades
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Aliens: Who or What Is Knocking On His Spacecraft? | NASA's Unexplained Files
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Art : Banksy! Man Brings Rare Weird Item To ‘Antiques Roadshow,’ Then The CIA immediat...
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UFO SIGHTINGS CAUGHT ON CAMERA | A compilation of the internet's most d...
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UFO SIGHTINGS CAUGHT ON CAMERA | A compilation of the internet!
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UFOs: NASA BUSTED HIDING Alien Objects On The Moon and More!
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Soccer : ‘Absolute bedlam’: how ticketless fans stormed Wembley | Euro 2020 | The Guardian
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Monday, 12 July 2021
TV: The Watch BBC
Selfie-takers among dead, say Indian police, as lightning kills 38 | India | The Guardian
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Sunday, 11 July 2021
Esoccer: England Beaten By Azurri! Sunday 11th July. 20:00 Wembley.
- U R Done. It's OVER¡ u r talking & I'm listening to u! But? I'm trying 2
- Make Good! Sometimes, when U think about everything? U need footage of UFOs ! Ray Vroom is my pal!
LÖÖK! Poke in the Eye
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Saturday, 10 July 2021
Acting: William Holden;an actor.
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History: SCOTTISH LORE: Fairy Glen, Devil's Pulpit, Fingal's cave
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Friday, 9 July 2021
Movies: The Mauritanian!
Psychology/Soccer :Whakapapa; The Guardian
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Thursday, 8 July 2021
Cryptid:Someone Has Just Reported That A Satellite Has Photographed A Megalodon ...
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UFOs: Space Portal Filmed during a commercial flight, over the Colombian Andes...
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History: Fake Human History - It's All Coming Out! | Graham Hancock
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The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told but now U R learning!
Horror Stories That Are Actually TRUE l MrBallen l PART 3
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Aliens: Strange Signals Captured From Space Scared Astronomers
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Jeremy Corbell Says U.S. Knows More About UFOs Than Pentagon Report Show...
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Horror:Weird and Mysterious Clips That Remain Unanswered
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UFOs: A threat to U.S. security?
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Film Making: What Really Happened on the Set of the Weirdest Movie Ever?
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Wednesday, 7 July 2021
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Environmental: Nottinghamshire; Growing Catch Fly plants.
Secureteam LIVESTREAM - AMAZING UFO Footage Review #2
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Health: 10 Things That Will Immediately Change Your Life - Jim Kwik
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“Better Brain”
Open my shared note:
Robots: 5 EPIC Robot Contenders To SpotMINI
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Comedy: Embarrassingly Dumb Ways People Died - Darwin Awards Winners [Part 2]
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Monday, 5 July 2021
“U R Down @theEnd Of Ur reign& Nû u Disintegrate.”
Soccer: England v Denmark: key tactical decisions facing Gareth Southgate | Euro 2020 | The Guardian
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