Tuesday 24 April 2018

This Is Private

A-x bomb!
Mate I'm in Bristol coming back to London. Hour and a half!?! At least three hours. Depends what train I can get from here. Might be a fast one.

Dude. Got the wrong train. Heading towards Bournemouth!! But I am running very late. So sorry. Trying to get back but more tired than I thought!!
Mate I'm in Bristol coming back to London. Hour and a half!?! At least three hours. Depends what train I can get from here. Might be a fast one.

CAD: 6087/19APR16
PC John Hart 199EK

FB & email:
1:Dude. That was the most understanding response ever. Like I said I don't want to lose you as a friend, but my eyes see red and I can't control it. It's like the fibre of my being wants to tear the room I'm in up. And I don't want to direct it at you. For your own sake, as a vulnerable person, I don't want to take out my shit out on you. This is stuff locked away from being constantly bullied as a child and teen by family and school. Frustration is my cross to bear. I don't want to lose you as a friend, and I'm trying not to hurt you. I'm trying not to drag you in to my rage. I isolate myself like yourself. I'm just so angry I want to cry and shout and scream but as big black man that'd get me arrested. I really don't know what to do. I've not even spoken to Richie for eg. And he's one my best mates. Somethings happened like a darker corner's been turned, repressed anger.

2:Sorry for the angry message. Trying not to hurt you.

Don't give up what U want most for what U can get now

Mate. What is wrong?? I'm not talking about the artwork, in talking about the damage you did to your own guitar! As a reaction to something being removed?!? This could have been a conversation. If I offended you I'm sorry but that doesn't mean you should start spraying it.

For example, your telling me you'll take it off, and you still sprayed it with the pick-guard attached. That is no way to respond. If you tell me I will respond like an adult. Sorry for taking it off, it was getting damaged, so I saved it, sorry.

So I've cleaned the gold spray from inside the case. And I tried removing it with soap off from body but it seem like it permanent.

Noticed how I called it your own guitar? Am I child? I can tie my laces and string my guitar, I either can do anything or nothing with it. I didn't know we Indian give.

Again sorry if hurt your feelings but I get angry!

Read carefully:
I will only return your guitar and equipment when you apologise for your behaviour and listen to me and accept the truth as I can prove it. Until you do. I don't care what you do. Even police, I'm not coming anywhere near you. I don't care if you use a proxy, I will not be bullied, I have had that my whole life, from drunk people. That's it.

I am sorry it has come to this as I do love you stevie and thought we could make music together. But you don't remember shouting at me as much as I did at you, creative emotions, I can understand and I apologise for ever making you feel like that. But that was never my intent. That said, there is nothing in the world that would make me ever come near you again, if you can lie or be so deluded to accuse me of such horrible things, then that I feel is bullying if not racist.

I am saving this message and I will send it to your email to make sure you have this on record. I fear for my safety.

A-x bomb!
Mate I'm in Bristol coming back to London. Hour and a half!?! At least three hours. Depends what train I can get from here. Might be a fast one.

Dude. Got the wrong train. Heading towards Bournemouth!! But I am running very late. So sorry. Trying to get back but more tired than I thought!!
Mate I'm in Bristol coming back to London. Hour and a half!?! At least three hours. Depends what train I can get from here. Might be a fast one.

CAD: 6087/19APR16
PC John Hart 199EK

FB & email:
1:Dude. That was the most understanding response ever. Like I said I don't want to lose you as a friend, but my eyes see red and I can't control it. It's like the fibre of my being wants to tear the room I'm in up. And I don't want to direct it at you. For your own sake, as a vulnerable person, I don't want to take out my shit out on you. This is stuff locked away from being constantly bullied as a child and teen by family and school. Frustration is my cross to bear. I don't want to lose you as a friend, and I'm trying not to hurt you. I'm trying not to drag you in to my rage. I isolate myself like yourself. I'm just so angry I want to cry and shout and scream but as big black man that'd get me arrested. I really don't know what to do. I've not even spoken to Richie for eg. And he's one my best mates. Somethings happened like a darker corner's been turned, repressed anger.

2:Sorry for the angry message. Trying not to hurt you.

Don't give up what U want most for what U can get now

Mate. What is wrong?? I'm not talking about the artwork, in talking about the damage you did to your own guitar! As a reaction to something being removed?!? This could have been a conversation. If I offended you I'm sorry but that doesn't mean you should start spraying it.

For example, your telling me you'll take it off, and you still sprayed it with the pick-guard attached. That is no way to respond. If you tell me I will respond like an adult. Sorry for taking it off, it was getting damaged, so I saved it, sorry.

So I've cleaned the gold spray from inside the case. And I tried removing it with soap off from body but it seem like it permanent.

Noticed how I called it your own guitar? Am I child? I can tie my laces and string my guitar, I either can do anything or nothing with it. I didn't know we Indian give.

Again sorry if hurt your feelings but I get angry!

Read carefully:
I will only return your guitar and equipment when you apologise for your behaviour and listen to me and accept the truth as I can prove it. Until you do. I don't care what you do. Even police, I'm not coming anywhere near you. I don't care if you use a proxy, I will not be bullied, I have had that my whole life, from drunk people. That's it.

I am sorry it has come to this as I do love you stevie and thought we could make music together. But you don't remember shouting at me as much as I did at you, creative emotions, I can understand and I apologise for ever making you feel like that. But that was never my intent. That said, there is nothing in the world that would make me ever come near you again, if you can lie or be so deluded to accuse me of such horrible things, then that I feel is bullying if not racist.

I am saving this message and I will send it to your email to make sure you have this on record. I fear for my safety.

Sent from my iPhone

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