Wednesday 29 April 2020


This is a good film, full of Gr8! Fx & plot twists & stuff. A good, but scary flick.

The Pandemic: Wet Markets

Wiki pages & worthy of a look. Soon the Lockdown will be lifted. So, know the facts. Study this & you will 29/4/20
After The Lockdown? :
Gloves must be worn when outside. Wash on return. The Elderly must wear masks if going out or/to meeting family. People must stay apart. No more 'm:hugging, kissing, shaking gloveless hands et al; that means; treat all things this way because with Covid-19 you get The "Magic Touch" syndrome for real. If something touches something then it gets something from it? Ok? Well that works in the case of Covid-19. So, stay apart a bit when meeting with others.

Sent from my Mind

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Astronomy: The Moon,..Belongs To Aliens. (allegedly)

Now who wil tell the tale? I! Shall, Cadillac Frank left it to DeNatti. He , for safekeeping, hid it into a drain. Next thing he gets a flash flood. Hey! Who's to say what. Right? So currently in, the report about the UFO & then this Alien feeds machine, that makes the ash into that the dark stuff that The Big Orb  is pulling away plasma from the Sun & to  draw  power to their craft?  Then The Moon -, an Alien Base more like. WTF! Those Videos & Photos! Or what's that thing about a digital reality? I don't know but to me, It's a base on The Moon for sure. This was an astronaut, who'd went on a secret Apollo Mission. Hush, hush, top-secret. They found enough. 


The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.