Sunday 4 March 2012

Fly Buy Knights

There Have been people in my life in recent years who had too much influence on my life. If you have planned too much of an important role to find out (when they meant nothing to me).& it's all a tradegy thatvthey were/are the big influence on my life. which is disgraceful. These fly by nights that ruined my sense of purpose. Curs & scabrous BoozeHounds! Keep'emPeeled.

Friday 2 March 2012

Fugazi Cops

Idiots' R EveryWhere.dumb Half of Da Vinci's works were used to make pulp for virgin paper. The owner had hoarded them in his attic then died with no-one who knew about the Da Vinci boxes. The Work ( half of Da Vinci's output over his whole long-life mashed into oblivion, some say into the Tuscany sky. I digress but they say it sounds like a wolf's howl then Leonardos' dreams flew over Fienze & people swear they can see it. In the twi-light of course after some nice Grappa?
Da Vinci was a great visionary. We buy into his genius. I believe that each of us (I mean each & all), in a small way we can help to create & be involved with great contemporary projects. There's the STAR in us all! God bless you all! I must go now, but I ' ll be back.
So U think, How we Gonna get Billy his Bones?
B's bot 2 clever but )he's sound? YEAH. This was when " The Big Gardner Grass-Up where everybody got away-Boston Mail. Then they got the ransom demand for the painting, yeah? OK, next up? con man sends in wrong paint chips yet it looked like it was Vermeer? WTF?
Mafia was involved. Keep'emPeeled. Sent with Writer.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Do U 'ave copy-paste-ego-dEzEZ?

Do U copy stuff then pretend it's Urs! U suffer from id-disease. It's a malady of the eGo; ref: Sigmund Freud. Do U wanna be cured? When cured, U will be considered an "Original", (Nothing that's easy to obtain, [ isn't worth having '] ). This is not about stopping to copy stuff- it's about knowing why Ur copying & why U must acknowledge those that be copied. Many will create aRt that they believe original,et al other works, while unknowingly( to themselves ) they're copying , ie-George Harrison & My Sweet Lord. So how do U learn how to cure this disease? Obvious but this needs Therapy. I can recommend a blu-ray DVD with interactive features ( so it's like being at a Doctors treatment room ), & a book to guide the road to good health & a new truth within the creators work. Master-pieces Await! Keep'emPeeled.

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