Sunday 13 November 2011

Saturday 12 November 2011

Football Spain

Barcelona in the semi-finals of the Euro-Cup. At around 20 minutes Chelsea scored from an outside of the box screamer that the keeper & referee + linesmen could not question. For the rest of the game Chelsea beat Barcelona each & every way, yet the ref' & linesmen would disallow any goal, penalty claim or offside decision in favour of Barcelona. A one minute from the end Barcelona scored; and went on to the final. A travesty! Nothing changes. Eurocrats wanted Barcelona to win. Chelsea should have won the game by 3 clear gaols at least. Why do I say this? I sit watching England play Spain in a friendly, I'm sick of the tippy, tap tap lazy crap! Let UK/Irish teams play the game with our blood & thunder approach & give us the freedom of a game without cheating!  Stamp Out Stranger Subterfuge! =SOSS Keep'emPeeled


Numbers, permutations, ratios', there are many ways where the Math does it. Do The  Math! The King who said "Whatever you desire?". " 1 gold piece on the 1st square of a chessboard then double it on the next then et al for the rest" replied the wily man. The king was bankrupt well before the board was filled. Numbers are slippery. In thinking we try to find patterns until we find recognition. Of a situation.  Governments/Institutions try to abolish thought. They set up routine patterns of thought so that thinking is no longer needed. This works; people are lazy & so are easily brainwashed. Once you become content, you are complacent & ready to be controlled. Keep'emPeeled.