Showing posts with label tourist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tourist. Show all posts

Sunday 21 August 2011

The Eye & Big Ben(distant).

I used a stylus and DrawCast to create this on my iPhone. A filter from PhotoShop app made the original daytime into night. Anyway Sunday so As it's not raining I'm taking my scooter for a spin. Later Y'all.

Friday 12 August 2011

Toga Turf Wars! Roma.

Mad Galadiator mobsters scam tourist outside the Colliseum in Rome; nothing new there then. So if you go to Rome do not pose for photos with these rotters. They fleece you once snap is taken charging £50 per pic.If you refuse you'll get stabbed up! Keep'emPeeled.

Monday 25 April 2011

Dark Dimension from AstroNutter on Vimeo.

More comin'Keep'emPeeled

Saturday 15 May 2010

What Up There? : the vid comes with my search for an inner soul. Serendipity & synchronicity
all play a part, as I go deep under the bowels of Somerset House; an Art establishment in the heart of London. the part about Che Guevara and the cigars was a fluke! Next blog will see me get lost and paranoid in the creepy underworld in the bowels of the basement. Keep'emPeeled Professor Fun-Farm