Showing posts with label XFactor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XFactor. Show all posts

Monday 9 January 2012

The Gloriuos 7th

If U wanna B a soldier? U can cum & join with me U can Fight with all the big boys. In a structured ruled army!  U can B like General Custer with the 7th Calvary R U willing to go where bold men know The Dead do rest & @sunset We dance, get drunk & learn to forget ;a lover soon puts the rest to bed. All that's best.The Forces of Glory! In a sense makes Presidents' Listen to the Drums! March 2 the Beat!, feel it on the street. Soon, U'll be part of History! There's no one pulling strings here A man is what he is. Same goes for U ladies If U can do it? Yeah, U'r IN? Geddit? Keep'emPeeled.

Monday 26 December 2011

False Modesty = Liar Bum On Fire

People want praise. It's one of the highest levels of the hierarchy of needs.  So anyone who says like " I just don't think I'm all that good, really ". = false modesty. Usually they look down to the left & wait for some  praise.  Look, I hope what you do is good & entertains. Just- Leave it to all those people you will never meet formally .  That's what FAME is all about. Strangers' like your stuff so much they'll pay their hard earned cash to pay to see/hear/experience Ur stuff, Capice?  Keep'emPeeled. .