Sunday 12 April 2020

The Prayer to St Jude


The Prayer to St Jude

O most holy apostle, Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
the Church honoureth and invoketh thee universally, as the patron of hopeless cases,
and of things almost despaired of.
Pray for me, who am so miserable. Make use, I implore thee, of that particular
privilege accorded to thee, to bring visible and speedy help where help was almost
despaired of.
Come to mine assistance in this great need, that I may receive
the consolation and succor of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations,
and sufferings, particularly (here make your request) and that I may praise
God with thee and all the elect throughout eternity.
I promise thee, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favour,
to always honour thee as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully
encourage devotion to thee.

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TV:Picard. Epic Show!


TV: Picard -Star Trek offshoot

Slow stuff, so far , so':3 He got fast crew with a guilt trip in a spaceship! Keep'emPeeled

Entonyoluogy: This Is Challenging Everything We Know!

blerg; what is it? How come if they were gone to let them know that they had been done before.", they could be home: orby now? OK.
Keep'emPeeled @

Most commonly used in the same context as "oh, damn". Used to express frustration, anxiety, depression, etc. Ocasionally the second syllable is prolonged to demonstrate any emotion in an extreme fashion.

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Pop: The Associates - Tell Me Easter's On Friday

Gr8 song! I was there as the music was recorded by Mike Hedges & Flood. It was fantastico! Brilliant.2 c Billy in such majestic 12elves. Rankine was as good as John Murphy Mike Dempsey as Chris Parry as Stephen Reid as Stephen Knight as Franco Soàvé & the other 900 guys that made up "The Associates" ut it was A Billy MacKenzie Show Spectacular! Billy could SING! I wouldn't sit with punks that wanted to pogo but once Billy sang? They listened. Keep'emPeeled

Public Noise! Guy Takes Over SoundwVes In London Park!

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Available until 12 May 2020

Himalaya Mountain Ranges Visible From A City 132 Miles Away |

Once good thing from The Pandemic! Keep'emPeeled

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.

Friday 10 April 2020

Gospels: The Sudarium

A piece of the head rapping put on b4 the shroud of Jesus. Keep'emPeeled

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Anthropology: Games! A system of the Time.

People were thinking! Important ideas. Here's a game they made to keep the children of the Time. Try to play it! Keep'emPeeled

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.

1st Photos of Boris (In Intensive care) Covid -19


Design:The Hands


The Pandemic l: NYC; the epicentre.

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Available until 10 May 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic:

The Coronavirus Pandemic:

Sorry but,..the tests 4 Covid-19 r flawed! They even say positive 4 STRESS! It was 1984 when it was developed. Like in Big Brother. All Tests Are Positive. A prophecy written by an author among many that portended that a dark future awaits humankind.
Keep'emPeeled @

Good Friday: 10/04/2020 I preach my sermon: thus, sic, so. Read on. It's The Time of Global Lockdown 3/2020!

Well I have the virus! No errors. I talked to a friend who got it-same symptoms. I'm over the worst part, I hope.
I am recovering from having a flu-like virus. Was it Covid-19? Mmmm? First I got tired & slept a lot for a few days. Then I got sick. Very sick-It was like the flu but something else. I was ill, I had most of the symptoms. I had hot flushes but I get the hem anyway. I was so out of breath but I also get that. I couldn't keep food down et al. When I stood up, a dry cough would start but I'd end up vomiting, same. I have underlying problems. Headaches? Cramps in my legs. I don't usually get them. It was badly ill for a week. I felt like I was dying sometimes & then It waned- after that I then slept for 2 weeks. Now I'm feeling tired less each day. I'm older & OK I have a lot underlying problems but I feel like I'm on the mend. Do u know?
* = the immune system uses heat to kill any bacteria/germs/virus that tries to take over our body. U get the fevers l, even with the common cold. Corona=crown the virus uses the spikes-attach to a cell destroying it which moves to the next cell. The Covid-19 is a Coronavirus related to SARS. Been Proven. It makes people have breathing difficulties Fever, coughing & pneumonia then death.

So what's this all gotta do with the price of bread? I think we are being conned. The wool is being pulled over our eyes so we don't see what's happening! The virus is no doubt real but the nature of it & all the hype around it seems to me unreal. I mean most of the world, especially in the mega cities are now in lockdown.

We the people of the world have lost some of our freedoms just now. We can't gather in public. We must stay in our house & not visit family or friends. Our economic systems all over the world have for the most part stopped. OK? The flu virus kills millions of people every year (worldwide) but it is left to run its course. So? Why are we all in lock down now? How long can the lockdown go on 4? Will food run out? When we go back to power cuts & living in the dark? Economically 2008/9 & its ramifications, like the austerity measures that were put in place,then that is gonna seem extravagant!
The outcome of The Coronavirus Covid-19 could be
the downfall of the current economic systems that have been in place in recent times. The status quo of world economics.
The sequence of events: In China people started to get ill in Wuhan near Hong Kong . The Chinese doctors took fluid from the lungs of people that got ill. A virus was found, it came from the horseshoe bat. Experiments to make it cross species were made in a lab in Wuhan. It was 1st found by a scientist/ BIO-chemist in USA in 1984. They made a test for it that is flawed . The inventor of the test proclaimed that it should not be used to diagnose the cause of death. Because it makes everyone tested goes positive for Covid-19 It's a con! The test becomes positive if ur suffering from just about anything at all. A cold, the flu(which have many strains ) or even STRESS! Imagine how many people are feeling stressed out? Stress make the immune system think U've got Covid-19! Look, not enuf people are dying from it, but even if u fell off a ladder and broke ur neck & died, once u get tested it will be death by Covid 19! Eddie Large who recently died had heart problems for years but it's been diagnosed Covid-19. People dying of cancer r stated as having died by Covid-19. They are being used to prop up the numbers. & don't forget Covid-19 implies that there was 1,2,3 etc.
In Wuhan where it started the bad local atmosphere, where most old folk end up with bronchial issues being exacerbated by heavy industry has helped the virus,. Just like in Milan (the worst hit place in Italy for hat part the world) the death toll by Covid-19 was highest. Wuhan is very close to Hong Kong where the riots were going on & it looked like it would never end! Now they've stopped. In fact everything has stopped.
Ok. Where were we? The present day-7/4/20

Boo-Hoo PM Boris got the virus. We're all rooting for him. Not. Piers Morgan on breakfast tv is going on about nuclear strikes & who's gonna push the button? Blah, blah. Remember Apollo 13? The public was getting bored of just bringing back rocks. All that money? Right just to bring back some rocks that aren't much different from those on Earth. Viewing figures dropped, if they'd mentioned about the aliens? But It would've sky rocketed! But by then they'd made a deal with the aliens. We got tech, to make stealth stuff while they got to abduct humans. We couldn't mention them, where do ya think computer chips came from? We were a vacuum tube society. Everything was big & bulky. Things were made to last back then. People were poor & couldn't afford iPhones that are designed to break after a few years. I digress, that's another story. Back to the Apollo 13 story, heck, they figured-What if the space craft got hit by a microscopic meteorite & busted the oxygen filters? Right now. Live! We could have a life v death situation. Like a soap opera, we can keep it going for the duration of the mission. Instead of going to the Moon, we have a race to survival! We could milk it till the cows came (or were beamed up to a flying saucer? ) I jest but it's the same story as Boris, a guy that when asked to play in a celebrity soccer match, played rugby? Please? He's built like a rock! Only if he dies will I start to believe any of this drivel. He is fine! Do u see any photos of him in a hospital bed, with an oxygen mask on & tubes everywhere? No! Oops I gave them some notes-as in stage direction. Next l, we're gonna go through "Boris!" A movie The Will To Live! We can watch as he cheats death! All right To date just over 6 thousand people have died (supposed) in the UK- not a huge amount compared to the flu that leads to pneumonia. Do we say they died of flu? No we say pneumonia. Now they say Covid-19!

Okay l, where is all this leading u ask? Who's behind it all?

The Perpetrators:
It's a Pyramid. The 1% of the 1% of the 1%: The people at the top of the pyramid know everything. Those below know less & lesser. Only those at the very top of the pyramid know the big picture. Everyone else is "JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS " . Remember who said they were "just following orders" Totalitarian Psychos r in control, & morons follow those orders.
PM Boris Johnson is in hospital. POTUS Trump is trying to help -he won't wear a mask but because of the general misunderstanding of the problems at hand they (politicians) are completely ineffective. In the US The President is kept from various knowledge, deemed not needing to know about certain stuff. There's been a 5G slant to the virus.

5G: All Global epidemics for the last 100 years(since Spanish flu) have been produced by laboratories. AIDS, Ebola, SARS etc but now they can zap u with microwaves. In this sphere of influence The telecommunications industry is crucial. (Just Ask Bill Gates) of Microwaves, sorry Microsoft) they want to manipulate us. Your cells, inside ur body could get fried by 5G. & Where did 5G originate-u guessd it was in Wuhan. The place where the Covid-19 virus began. Now over the whole world 5G towers r being put up(it's called essential work) all over the world. Why is putting up 5G towers so essential? They're putting up satellites everywhere in our skies. Aim a 5G at 60 giga hertz at a person & it will stop the blood from making oxygen. It's just like if ur in an aeroplane then the pressurisation failed. U Try to breathe. No way. We come to The lockdown for older folks I think it's ok, But younger people should go about their normal lives. The test 4 the virus is a flawed operation! It says that everybody is positive. But Back to 5G & the Coronavirus? There is possibly a link if & when they roll out a vaccine. If the virus is a scam? There's been no conversation been done around the subject. I get useless texts from the government that tell me to stay in my prison. I got I'll & now I'm almost better yet
I can't go out to protest. People r loosing jobs. & while 5G towers r being raised. While we all stay indoors. Waiting for
Vaccines: Each day They say they almost have a cure. When They do find one will they inject U with a vaccine laced with nano machines that will be like a tracking beacon. Little robots that'll utilise ur glands to control u? what if once ithose little machines connect to 5G & we all become robots. Like ants are controlled by chemicals we, humans -Homo sapiens superior will be directed by satellites in the sky but they will be owned by the 1% of the 1% of The 1%! Unless u submit to the vaccine, u will be not be able to mix with those already vaccinated. Laws will be made. Then We become automatons 4 real! Take facial recognition & throw it into the pot? They will know where u r, at all times. With their tracking signals & cameras. They will also know whom ever ur with. In 1984, the author George Orwell isaid that men&women will become indistinguishable. Seen the movies recently? It's the man that trips up & strains his ankle & the woman drags him to safety. Soon only digital money will be available. Government credits. Buy Bit-Coins! They at least will be ur own decision. Cash has got the virus on it. U now have got a nano chips in ur blood from the vaccine. U r totally owned by a fascist/communist totalitarian technocracy. People like Bill Gates -Elon Musk, Jeff Besos etc will rule the world! Do not accept this! It is ur children u must save. do u want them to grow up as slaves that can't go anywhere that they choose? Because that's what's gonna happen in this new, after the pandemic Psycho World! The Purge became real.
Most younger people have suffered mild symptoms yet the older people who no longer work die. It's they that have got money set aside yet if they haven't made a will? It goes in most part to the government. U the Old people, please don't sign any No Resuscitation forms. If u have to go to hospital don't sign anything. The figures surrounding the virus are being controlled. To me It makes little or no sense & so the lock down continues. In China they r saying it's gone. What a crock o'shit! Garbage! Complete Bullshit! We're all in lockdown because people have died & been diagnosed by a flawed test. In a matter of days we have went from being a free world to a world of being in jail.
If ur not old? Don't sit on ur butt. Get out there! Anytime u choose. Visit your friends that aren't older. Stop agreeing with the government. The tests r fixed. The numbers r B S! The world is being ran by Complete psychos that care not 4 the common person. In the weeks to come? Don't let them turn Ur children's future be ruled by AI & Little machine's & microwaves. A problem arises because of certain circumstances. Get rid of the circumstances, the problem disappears.
OK-this Covid-19? It's a virus that hurts older people most. OK/So protect them. Lock them down but U, the younger generations, go out & about! U may catch it but it won't be so bad. If ur not old don't take any vaccines or ur children will pay, they'll become slaves to the elite.

In China people started to get ill in Wuhan near Hong Kong. Now the authorities say that they're lifting the lockdown. Mmmm? Have they found a vaccine? No. So what's going on? It doesn't add up! I know that the test for C-19 is seriously flawed. It shows positive in situations that it shouldn't. Something really fishy is going on. I hope I'm wrong but everything looks dodgy! it doesn't compute. Like cattle we are following the one in front. Heading towards the gun. Think for urselves & don't believe everything that the authorities tell u.

Well I have the virus! No errors. I talked to a friend who got it-same symptoms. I'm over the worst part, I hope. Now when I'm not asleep I wake up with a dry mouth & throat. So I keep a pint of water next to the bed.-4 when I wake up.
Also (regular problems -sweats) I'm getting these cold patches all over my body. (Time lag, better now) they're torrid! Just then-it's freezing cold on my upper arm on the outside & on the lower arm it's on the inside. Weird! My back is still cold but not like the arms. On my back on the left & right it's cold to touch, while the middle is a bit warmer. Around the belly button it's cold too.
Where it's coldest I get sweats! WTF?

I am recovering from having a flu-like virus. Was it Covid-19? Mmmm? First I got tired & slept a lot for a few days. Then I got sick. Very sick-It was like the flu but something else. I was ill, I had most of the symptoms. I had hot flushes but I get the hem anyway. I was so out of breath but I also get that. I couldn't keep food down et al. When I stood up, a dry cough would start but I'd end up vomiting, same. I have underlying problems. Headaches? Cramps in my legs. I don't usually get them. It was badly ill for a week. I felt like I was dying sometimes & then It waned- after that I then slept for 2 weeks. Now I'm feeling tired less each day. I'm older & OK I have a lot underlying problems but I feel like I'm on the mend. Do u know?
* = the immune system uses heat to kill any bacteria/germs/virus that tries to take over our body. U get the fevers l, even with the common cold. Corona=crown the virus uses the spikes-attach to a cell destroying it which moves to the next cell. The Covid-19 is a Coronavirus related to SARS. Been Proven. It makes people have breathing difficulties Fever, coughing & pneumonia then death.

Keep'emPeeled @

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Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gr8show. This guy is THE BIG DADDY P!¡! ¡ KööL! Keep'emPeeled

Prose: Libri-book-42 read.

Gr8. Keep'emPeeled

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The Passion Play Is Locked Down!

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Available until 10 May 2020

Tesla Coil Wireless Energy and Resonance Demonstration

Nerdy stuff. Keep'emPeeled

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.

WebMedia: Real London

Alex Jones of Infowars Told Me "Brian You Have Courage, And Courage Is I...
Click bait-Motivational Entrepreneur

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Wytheville UFO’s


Ancient Astronaut Found On Spanish Cathedral? 2013 1080p Available

A well known anomaly but it makes U think? Keep'emPeeled

The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.

Strange Marks On My Arms

For the past weeks I've been getting these blemishes. Mmmm. From just b4 the Pandemic. Keep'emPeeled

Astronomy; Mars

Photo of Saturn by Hubble. Keep'emPeeled