Saturday, 31 August 2019
The self built UFO: Space Force
I just came across this just now , I'm a bit drunk & marijuana's freaking but cooking. Ok, this is a photo from inside the mothership. I will give more accurate stuff tomorrow. Sleep till party. Keep'emPeeled
UFO by humans with alien tech
This is supposed to be their scout ship that comes from a mothership. This takes the crew down to Earth 🌎 but the small ship can travel to nearby places of the Galaxy . It's The SpaceFleet or something l, well I had a few& I just found it. More later folks! Keep'emPeeled
Friday, 30 August 2019
New Horizons: Beyond Pluto website
Official site. Check It Out! Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The Story | Mother Shipton's Cave
Interesting place. Must visit. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
"MOON-SIZED" UFO Hovering Above The Sun
SecureTeam Tyler's back! , again. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Bikini Bottom | Encyclopedia SpongeBobia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
TV show animation. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
TV: SpongeBob SquarePants!
A permanent thing in a world of the new, the longevity of the popular kids show, SpongeBob is that he (or 1 of the other characters) is the hero in all of us!
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
The Moon: Lava Tubes
This is a photo of the opening of a Lava Tube. These tubes are tunnels that go under most of The Moon's surface. Lunars who go to live on the moon could use the lava tubes as shelter away from the solar rays. They could build vast systems( But what about the natives(?) ) Keep'emPeeled
Genesis Rock - Moon: NASA Science
Some more Moon stuff. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Astronomy: Telescope The Launch - Webb/NASA
The Hubble is a short sighted child compared to the David Webb! Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The Launch - Webb/NASA
Pencil this in ur diary! This is the launch date & all of the paraphernalia u'll need !
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
James Webb Space Telescope (WEBB/JWST) NASA Gr8 site.
This telescope is gonna see so much further than the Hubble, we may see The Big Bang! What? Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Muzak: GarageBand thing.
Just poking around in the Muzak apps section. This isn't Gr8.
There's no an idea there tho' if ye looks it may seem so, but no. Keep'emPeeled
There's no an idea there tho' if ye looks it may seem so, but no. Keep'emPeeled
Monday, 26 August 2019
100 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explaine d
Compendium of strange tales. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
THEY KEPT THIS HIDDEN | This Is What Archaeologists Don't Want You To K...
Ancient history. A different view. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
5 Creepiest ALIEN Encounters Captured By The ISS! (NASA DOESN'T WANT YOU...
Top 5 Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Secure Team 1.0 has taken over SECURETEAM10. TYLER SNOOZING SO HE LOOZIN...
UFOs Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Brick Wall Discovered Proving Ancient Alien Life On Mars??? (Strange News)
OfSoundMind&Body Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Saturday, 24 August 2019
Thursday, 22 August 2019
UFO Sightings Best Evidence Caught On tape 2011 UFOs and Aliens
Golden Oldie. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Neon Revolt – Majestic 12; Behold A Pale Horse writer Bill Cooper
A long discourse about aliens, UFOs & secret cabals in text with vids&photos. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Soccer: Kick Racists Out Of Soccer! Plan by player Erik Pieters
Erik Of Burnley FC has went off social media platforms because of Racist stuff. It's 2019 do we still have to put up with stuff like this in anywhere in life? No More Racism! NOW!
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
aRt: Keane Eyes Gallery
Following the Tim Burton movie Big Eyes, this aRtist, a lady has a manipulative husband who claims all her work. Insane! Why are we here? OK, the 'big eyes' -like aliens? Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Movies: X-Men: Who was seen ducking down, when he had big spikes coming from....
Hugh Jackman! Ladies & generally, he's an Aussie hero! He acts like a log! Sorry matey, Ur all fair game. Keep'emPeeled
Political: Theresa May; Foreign Minister; USA 🇺🇸 ; Gary McKinnon
He was a patsy. Clever guy. He took a look, ok? I would. U too! This was her when she was Foreign Minister, just as she was telling The House that USA extradition for our pal Gary, wouldn't go through! Keep'emPeeled
TV: Agents Of Shield!
Featuring her without Fitz! What an idea? They spent all day of each of the series missing each other. Good sense I say. NO!!! They're fated! Keep'emPeeled
Fake News B: UFO 🛸 IN THE AIR
This is a false image. People should not be fooled by this type of film 🎥. It is so bad that it makes U think "ALL UFOS R FAKE!" It was planted by the authorities l. I don't want to get into trouble l: Governments have to do stuff l. Just don't fall 4 the 1st trick they throw atya. Keep'emPeeled
Terror: Help Needed!
If ur near? Lend a hand, whatever ur skin. Keep'emPeeled
Sent from my MIND
Sent from my MIND
Global Warming:, UK 🇬🇧 Farmers act responsibly.
If nations around the world (in the east) would implement the laws like UK Farmers, then The World would be a lot better off! They got negative carbon dioxide poisoning levels down to acceptable levels. If only all round the world would do it? Keep'emPeeled
Gary McKinnon: Theresa May image
This photo was taken @theExactTime that she was delivering the hands off to America when they wanted to jail him for 70 years. In The House Of Commons, she denied extradition orders to USA 🇺🇸. If U were granted access to NASA wouldn't U have a nosey? I don't think that he was in control of any Weapons of Mass Destruction. lol. It's a joke! He just looked. How wouldn't? But! What's behind Theresa May's (when she was Foreign Minister) wide eyed stare? Keep'emPeeled
Gary McKinnon and the UFO Hack
He went onto NASA & they had no passwords. He had free access. He found some weird stuff. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The James Webb Space Telescope Is Delayed (Again)! What Is Happening?
Like everything else. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Hubble Telescope: Deep Field
They pointed it @aBlankAreaOfSpace & left the exposure for ten days-Abracadabra = a whole 10,000 new galaxies! The Universe goes on 4evR! Keep'emPeeled
Astronomy:The Andromeda Galaxy
I think that Hubble found it, saw it was a galaxy & Einstein had to change his theory. Yet, it's our closest galaxy. Keep'emPeeled
Sent from my MIND
Sent from my MIND
The Gr8 Debate: text images
Important step in the understanding of The Universe from an Earthly position. Keep'emPeeled
Sent from my MIND
Sent from my MIND
New Horizons: About the Kuiper Belt
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Amazing Space: Where is the Kuiper Belt?
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Sunday, 18 August 2019
Majestic 12, the Secret Space Program, and The Wilson Memo. Deeper Disclosures with #NEONREVOLT. #QAnon #GreatAwakening – Neon Revolt
Real! Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Mysterious STEALTHY "Craft" spotted in Clouds - HUGE Fireball lights up ...
MrMBBB333. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Anti-Gravity Demonstration with 'The John Hutchison Effect' Frequency Le...
Wierd! Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
UFO over Tinley Park Illinois!!!! .................
Like those I saw, an orb moving very slowly. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Triangle UFO above Tinley Park, Illinois Part 1
In the top ten of ufo vids. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
People all around Mexico see UFOs! Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Timothy Good author
Conspiracy theory of aliens 👽 taking over Earth. Keep'emPeeled
Sent from my MIND
Sent from my MIND
Thursday, 15 August 2019
The Scary Mystery Behind The Denver Airport
InfoGraphics Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Mysterious "Space Craft" Orbiting Earth For Nearly TWO Years - Nobody K...
More MrMBB333 Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Strange Row of Lights in the Sky Just VANISH....Then REAPPEAR in same Pl...
MrMBB333 Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Voyager 2 enters interstellar space
A bit old. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
MUST SEE!!! Giant Alien Space Station Found In The Orion Constellation? ...
OfSoundMind&Body Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Sunday, 11 August 2019
music by ASTR0N
Filmic Muzak. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Saturday, 10 August 2019
Friday, 9 August 2019
Black Knight Satellite Of Extraterrestrials Orbiting Earth For 13 000 Years
RedStone Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Knife Female Crime Gangs: UK stats r bad.
Blades R Back! Many girls, as young as babies up to under age girls R a@Risk from grooming paedos. They hide the knives 🔪 in prams or designer handbags 👜. Please stop? It's craziness!! Keep'emPeeled
Monday, 5 August 2019
Aviation: The Flying Wing; Nazi Technology?
These photos were taken via footage of a so called " Flying V" . ! This film 🎥 shouldn't exist. I was in South Africa & 1 night I saw this huge V/boomerang ship to slowly over the stars & out of view. Underneath, it had starlight fakes to dupe u if u busted looked up & away. But, I was looking. So I saw it. I looked every night after for as long as I was there.
It didn't come back. Magical 🧙♀️ l Keep'emPeeled
It didn't come back. Magical 🧙♀️ l Keep'emPeeled
Sunday, 4 August 2019
5 Closest AREA 51 Photographs That Were Taken...
R U GOing? September 2019 Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
A Huge UFO Came Out Of The Lake its shadow covered the entire Valley
Red Stone channel Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
They Admitted The Truth 70 Years Ago
SecureTeam Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Franky Zapata: Flyboarding Frenchman crosses English Channel
Franky Zapata: Flyboarding Frenchman crosses English Channel
Franky Zapata: Flyboarding Frenchman crosses English Channel

It was inventor Franky Zapata's second attempt to fly the 22 miles on his jet-powered craft.
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The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Friday, 2 August 2019
The Video That Get's You Closer To Area 51 Than Ever Before! 2019-2020
3rdPhaseOfMoon-Special footage of Peekaboo Peak. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Rare Rectangular UFOs and Long Stems Seen Flying Near Obstacles
Ovni-UFOs Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
NASA Caught Tracking UFO's In Space During The STS Missions? (UFO Myster...
OfSoundMind&Body Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The Video You Need To Watch Before You Go To AREA 51! 2019
If Ur planning to go? Watch. Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
Mmm? Keep'emPeeled
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
The only thing new, is the history U haven't been told.
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